The National Forest Foundation teamed up with the Cleveland National Forest, the Wildlife Conservation Board, and the San Diego River Conservancy to improve public access to the Eagle Peak recommended wilderness area including Eagle Peak and Three Sisters Falls, renamed Cha’chaany Hamuk. The former trailhead did not include trash or sanitation facilities, despite high visitation of up to 400 people in peak season. The improvement project focused on the development of trailhead amenities to withstand high visitation and creating safety infrastructure in the case of accidents and wildfires.
We completed the project in 2 filming days. Day 1 captured the the emergency infrastructure development and interviews, and Day 2 captured the trailhead re-opening ceremony, partners, and an active community enjoying the new amenities. This video illustrates the intentionality and collaborative nature of the trailhead improvement project, with the goal of improving outdoor access and experience.
Full Video
60 Second Vertical Cut
30 Second Vertical Cut