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Intrsxn Surf and Hike Clerb

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Intrsxn Surf and Hike Clerb joined together to host a surfing class for BIPOC women! Most were first time surfers, and the Intrsxn team provided wetsuits, surfboards, and plenty of supportive instruction and encouragement. There is something so special about learning how to surf with other women you can identify with, and supporting each other's little wins.

The Intrsxn Surf and Hike Clerb partnership is incredibly impactful - not just because it brings together two powerhouse community groups - but because of how it establishes trust, safety, and comfort in a new sport. It's an introductory space for those who maybe thought about surfing but never had the means to try it.

I joined the first 9am class, then photographed the second 10:30am class! I can attest to the beautiful connection found in these kinds of community oriented affinity spaces.


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